ELIXIR Cloud and AAI

Develops a GA4GH-compliant federated cloud computing network in Europe

The ELIXIR Cloud and Authentication & Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI) initiative develops services that will support a federated hybrid/multicloud computing network for genomics-scale data across ELIXIR’s European Nodes. This federated environment will be compliant with GA4GH standards, allowing researchers to analyse data at population scale across international boundaries.

Funding for ELIXIR Cloud & AAI comes from the European Commission.

Image summary: scheme showing how compute federation could work in the ELIXIR::GA4GH Cloud. The GA4GH Workflow Execution Service (WES) and Task Execution Service (TES) standards are used to abstract over different workflow management systems and compute backends, respectively. Authentication and authorisation is achieved through Life Science AAI and makes use of GA4GH Passport. WES and TES gateways are used to inject middleware, for instance for the effective distribution of workloads, increased interoperability, or the implementation of ELIXIR-specific features and policies. Note that the scheme does not reflect a current state of integration.
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cwl-WES (formerly: WES-ELIXIR) is a Flask/Gunicorn application that makes use of Connexion to implement the GA4GH WES OpenAPI specification. cwl-WES enables clients and users to execute CWL workflows in the cloud via an execution backend that is compatible with the GA4GH Task Execution Service (TES) — for example, TESK or Funnel. Workflows can be sent for execution, previous runs can be listed, and the status and run information of individual runs can be queried. The service leverages cwl-tes to interpret CWL workflows, break them down into individual tasks, and emit GA4GH TES-compatible HTTP requests to a configured TES instance. Access to endpoints can be configured to require JSON Web Token-based access tokens, such as those issued by ELIXIR AAI. Run information is stored in a MongoDB database.


A multi-cloud computing infrastructure allows life scientists within and beyond the ELIXIR network to run large-scale data analysis workloads in a federated network of ELIXIR compute and storage nodes.

Life Science AAI

The Life Science Login enables researchers to use their home organisation credentials or community or other identities (e.g. Google, Linkedin, LS ID) to sign in and access data and services they need. It also allows service providers (both in academia and industry) to control and manage access rights of their users and create different access levels for research groups or international projects.


This is an implementation of a task execution engine based on the TES standard, running on Kubernetes.