
Browse the latest updates and calls for support from GA4GH Work Streams.





Work Streams




Large-Scale Genomics (LSG) Work Stream
Genetic Data Encryption (Crypt4GH)
13 Aug 2024
Data Use & Researcher Identity (DURI) Work Stream
9 Aug 2024
Large-Scale Genomics (LSG) Work Stream
Genetic Variation Formats (VCF)
6 Aug 2024
Genomic Knowledge Standards (GKS) Work Stream
Cancer Community
16 Jul 2024
Following an open nomination process, we have selected ten individuals to join the Strategic Leadership Committee.
13 Jun 2024
In April 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) requested public comments on its draft principles for human genome access, use, and sharing.
Regulatory & Ethics Work Stream (REWS)
29 May 2024
To safeguard genomic and related health data, DSWS develops standards to ensure that the privacy, confidentiality, and integrity of this data is protected.
Data Security Work Stream
28 May 2024
We invite you to submit nominations for the roles of GKS and DURI Co-Leads.
Data Use & Researcher Identity (DURI) Work Stream, Genomic Knowledge Standards (GKS) Work Stream
17 May 2024
The GA4GH community is excited to mentor contributors from all over the world who are interested in tackling current challenges in genomics.
15 May 2024
The GA4GH Pedigree team is looking for groups to pilot their standard or contribute to their model!
27 Mar 2024
Now is a great time to get involved with these efforts.
Categorical Variation Representation Specification (Cat-VRS), Data Model and Schema Consensus (DaMaSC)
27 Mar 2024
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is an international program that introduces novice developers into open-source software development.
20 Mar 2024
The document describes the high-level 2024 goals for the GA4GH Cloud Work Stream.
Cloud Work Stream
Data Repository Service (DRS), Task Execution Service (TES), Tool Registry Service (TRS), Workflow Execution Service (WES)
12 Mar 2024
GA4GH will observe this quarter's Meeting Free Week for genomics.
12 Mar 2024
Their appointments mark a significant milestone for the group as it continues to advance GA4GH product use in real-world initiatives.
GA4GH Implementation Forum
6 Mar 2024
Please review the document by Wednesday, 30 March 2024.
Large-Scale Genomics (LSG) Work Stream
29 Feb 2024
Join us on 29 February at 16:00 UTC for a webinar to commemorate Rare Disease Day. Hosted by the GA4GH Rare Disease Community of Interest, the webinar will focus on the power of data sharing and standardisation to improve patient outcomes.
Rare Disease Community
29 Feb 2024
Our first episode, Together for CHANGE (T4C): sequencing the African American genome with Lyndon Mitnaul and James Hildreth Sr., is now available where you listen to podcasts!
28 Feb 2024
Join us for a two-hour virtual workshop on exchanging knowledge and lessons learned from variant sharing.
National Initiatives Forum
27 Feb 2024
Congratulations! You now have access to a new GA4GH-wide meetings calendar.
27 Feb 2024
Join us for GA4GH Connect from 21 to 24 April 2024.
23 Feb 2024
The Technical Alignment Subcommittee aims to harmonise aspects of GA4GH technical products and support interoperability.
Tool Registry Service (TRS)
Technical Alignment Sub-Committee (TASC)
21 Feb 2024
Within GA4GH and beyond, teams are developing resources to support the adoption of GA4GH standards. From reference implementations to tooling, these resources have the potential to benefit the broader community.
7 Feb 2024
The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) has announced the creation of the Strategic Leadership Committee (SLC) — a group that will inform GA4GH strategy on advancing responsible use of genomic and related health data.
1 Feb 2024
The GA4GH Beacon v2 specification team is inviting active contributors to “scout” specific topics that will allow the team to improve the API and boost its adoption in the community.
Discovery Work Stream
30 Jan 2024
The Cancer Community promotes global cooperation, data sharing, collaborative cancer research, and better oncology care by exploring the use of GA4GH products to support interoperability and data sharing.
Communities of Interest
24 Jan 2024
Geoff Ginsburg, chief medical and scientific officer of the All of Us Research Program at the National Institutes of Health, will discuss the latest in responsible genomic data use with GA4GH Chair Heidi Rehm. 
23 Jan 2024
In this open call, we are searching to fill two Co-Lead positions for the Data Security Work Stream.
Data Security Work Stream
Join our leadership
19 Jan 2024
The GA4GH Data Model and Schema Consensus (DaMaSC) Study Group would love to hear your feedback.
Discovery Work Stream
Data Model and Schema Consensus (DaMaSC)
16 Jan 2024
GA4GH will observe next quarter's Meeting Free Week for genomics
12 Dec 2023
Learn more about Muñoz-Torres and the future of Clin/Pheno.
8 Dec 2023
The new GA4GH & INCF Neuroscience Community aims to lay the groundwork for connecting neuroscience and genomic data worldwide.
30 Nov 2023
Join four new GA4GH groups to help shape guidelines for pandemic prep, schema consensus, sequencing metadata, and categorical variants
Discovery Work Stream, Genomic Knowledge Standards (GKS) Work Stream, Regulatory & Ethics Work Stream (REWS)
Variation Representation (VRS), Ethical Preparedness for Pandemics and Epidemics (EPPE) Framework, Categorical Variation Representation Specification (Cat-VRS), Data Model and Schema Consensus (DaMaSC), Experiments Metadata Standard
Study Groups
16 Nov 2023
GA4GH GKS standards help advance the readiness of gnomAD data for artificial intelligence and machine learning
7 Nov 2023
"Genetic exceptionalism refers to the idea that genetic information is uniquely powerful and uniquely personal, meriting unique protection."
16 Oct 2023
The new code offers a tool for supporting clear communication in such a diverse environment, and resolving misunderstandings and disagreements that do arise and cannot be addressed informally.
GA4GH Code of Ethics and Community Conduct (CECC)
27 Sep 2023
This plan forges a path towards a more equitable, inclusive, and ethically sound genomics ecosystem.
14 Sep 2023
“The observations explored in this paper are GA4GH’s steps toward responding to EDI concerns within the community. We expect the work of these groups to broaden participation of members from diverse groups and, consequently, to lead to the creation of more effective and far-reaching data sharing and leadership standards.”
24 Aug 2023
Large-Scale Genomics (LSG) Work Stream
17 Jul 2023
Are you attending GA4GH 11th Plenary? ? Submit a poster abstract today.
30 Jun 2023
Plenary sessions will begin a day earlier (20 September 2023) with lunch, an afternoon programme, and an evening reception.
8 Jun 2023
A new GA4GH Study Group explores the standardisation and storage of pharmacogenomic data
Clinical & Phenotypic Data Capture (Clin/Pheno) Work Stream
Pharmacogenomics Data Standardisation
5 Jun 2023
Tell us what you think!
Clinical & Phenotypic Data Capture (Clin/Pheno) Work Stream, Cloud Work Stream, Data Security Work Stream, Data Use & Researcher Identity (DURI) Work Stream, Discovery Work Stream, Genomic Knowledge Standards (GKS) Work Stream, Large-Scale Genomics (LSG) Work Stream, Regulatory & Ethics Work Stream (REWS)
12 May 2023
Please join us for GA4GH Connect, a working meeting for GA4GH contributors to advance the roadmap and gather feedback on product development and needs.
15 Feb 2023
Please review and provide your feedback for CRAM v3.1 and refget v2.0 by 14 March 2023.
Large-Scale Genomics (LSG) Work Stream
CRAM, refget
15 Feb 2023
Submit your feedback on this year's strategic plan by 15 Jan 2023.
19 Dec 2022
GA4GH Connect 2023 will take place in London, UK, from 19 to 21 April 2023.
8 Dec 2022
Access meeting materials, share your feedback, and submit session proposals for next time.
1 Dec 2022
This year's strategic plan introduces updates that aim to support the long-term success of the organisation and its ability to achieve the 2020 Community Imperatives.
22 Nov 2022
Day 3 includes sessions from the Cloud and Discovery Work Streams and the Federated Analysis Systems Project (FASP).
16 Nov 2022
Day 2 includes sessions from the Cloud, DURI, REWS, and LSG Work Streams and more.
15 Nov 2022
Join GA4GH active contributors for a series of workshops aimed at making progress on GA4GH products and cross-Work-Stream initiatives.
10 Nov 2022
Correction: the VCF 4.4 Release Candidate 2 Public Feedback and REWS Genetic Discrimination sessions take place on 14 November.
4 Nov 2022
View the meeting agenda and register for the event.
3 Nov 2022
Please submit feedback by Thursday, 1 December 2022, at 17:00 UTC.
Large-Scale Genomics (LSG) Work Stream
27 Oct 2022
Join us on 14, 15, 16, and 30 November to help make progress on GA4GH products and cross-Work-Stream initiatives.
11 Oct 2022
Video recordings and slides are now available on the event website. You may also access all recordings on the GA4GH YouTube channel. 
30 Sep 2022
Attend GA4GH 10th Plenary from the comfort of your home! You can participate via YouTube and
19 Sep 2022
Please review the following information to help you prepare for 10th Plenary.
19 Sep 2022
David Torrents is a research professor at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and is chair of the GA4GH 10th Plenary Programme Committee.
18 Aug 2022
Dr Soumya Swaminathan, chief scientist at the World Health Organization, and Dr Michèle Ramsay, professor at the University of the Witwatersrand, will join us for GA4GH 10th Plenary. Will you?
3 Aug 2022
Please submit comments by Thursday, 8 September 2022, at 17:00 UTC.
21 Jul 2022
To help select projects to focus on during the VRS Hackathon, each project proposal's author will present a two-minute pitch or presentation on their topic.
7 Jul 2022
Please review and submit comments by Friday, 5 August 2022, at 17:00 UTC.
6 Jul 2022
This year's hackathon will cover DRS, Passports, and two GA4GH use cases (NCPI and CNest).
29 Jun 2022