Funders Forum

The GA4GH Funders Forum consists of Host Institutions, Core Funders, Supporting Funders, and Assigned Expert Funders. The Funders Forum provides both financial support and strategic guidance to GA4GH. Apply to become a funder.

Core Funders

Core Funders commit to funding more than 200,000 USD annually for a minimum of three years. They meet as a group once per year to provide high-level consultation on GA4GH function and direction and have the opportunity to nominate the majority of directors of GA4GH Inc.

Host Institutions

Host Institutions provide services and administrative support — such as space, grants management, and human resources — on behalf of GA4GH.

Supporting Funders

Supporting Funders provide financial support to GA4GH up to the Core Funder threshold.

Assigned Expert Funders

National funding agencies and other institutions have the opportunity to join the GA4GH Funders Forum by assigning a technical or regulatory expert to GA4GH product development activities for at least four calendar months per year. Learn more about the Assigned Expert programme.

Become a funder

Are you interested in shaping the international ecosystem of responsible genomic data use? If so, consider joining the GA4GH Funders Forum at any level.

The full Funders Forum meets annually, bringing together Core and Supporting Funders, Host Institutions, and Assigned Expert Funders.

See also


Learn about the distributed GA4GH staff team, which provides operational support to the Work Streams and other GA4GH activities.


Learn about GA4GH leadership, including our Product Steering Committee, Strategic Leadership Committee, and the Executive Leadership team.