Sequence Annotation (SA)

Aims to develop a flexible, common model for describing genomic features

Researchers use a process called sequence annotation to document detailed information about a specific feature on a DNA sequence. To standardise how this information is captured, the GA4GH Genomic Knowledge Standards (GKS) Work Stream is developing the Sequence Annotation (SA) specification. The SA specification aims to define an extensible, common model for describing specific genomic regions of interest. 


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  • Aims to develop a data model for core genomic entities such as gene, transcript, and regulatory region
  • Will allow software developers to extend the model to explore specific needs

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Dive deeper into this product! SA will provide a model for describing genomic features such as transcripts, genes, regulatory elements, and other related regions of interest. Developers can extend the SA model to cover their specific needs with the confidence that the core entities will remain compatible with others using the SA model.







Working meeting to describe genomic features including transcripts, genes, regulatory elements, and related regions of interest, Sequence Annotation is creating an expandable, shared model



15:00 UTC
1 Hour

Don't see your name? Get in touch:

  • Evan Christensen
    University of Utah
  • Karen Eilbeck
    University of Utah
  • Robert Freimuth
    Mayo Clinic
  • Kais Ghedira
    Institut Pasteur de Tunis
  • Roderic Guigo
    Centre for Genomic Regulation
  • John Marshall
    University of Glasgow
  • Jean Muller
    Laboratoire de génétique médicale (UMR_S 1112)
  • Francis Ouellette
    McGill University / Université McGill
  • Emilio Righi
    Centre for Genomic Regulation
  • Dmitriy Sonkin
    NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI)
  • David Steinberg
    University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Sean Upchurch
    California Institute of Technology
  • Andy Yates
    EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)