GA4GH seeks feedback on meeting international genomics community needs

10 Mar 2022

GA4GH seeks feedback on meeting the needs of the international genomics community. Share your thoughts in a brief survey, or join a live town hall meeting with an executive team member.

The Global Alliance for Global Health (GA4GH) requests advice on its strategic approach via a community survey and eight live town hall meetings with members of the executive team.

The first town hall takes place at 08:00 UTC on 15 March. Anyone around the world may attend.

Every two years, GA4GH asks the international genomics community to advise on how well the organization meets its needs. This year, the focus is on three “community imperatives” that emerged in the most recent review: integration, implementation, and clinical engagement. The plan is to refresh — rather than overhaul — GA4GH’s strategic approach.

The refresh builds on previous reflections including GA4GH Connect, a five-year strategic plan launched in 2017 for advancing genomic data sharing through the development of technical standards and policy frameworks. In 2020, GA4GH pursued a gap analysis to review progress to date and identify areas for improvement, resulting in an updated Strategic Roadmap.

In order to better serve the community, the survey and town halls seek input on what works and does not work about GA4GH, including how the organization’s strategic priorities match the current state of global genomics, how effectively Work Streams operate, and how useful GA4GH standards and policies are in practice.

Register now for one of the eight town hall meetings, or share your thoughts in the community survey.

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