GA4GH in 2022

14 Jun 2017

GA4GH leaders and key participants recently came together at the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus in Hinxton, UK to discuss a strategic plan for the organization over the next five years.

GA4GH leaders and key participants recently came together at the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus in Hinxton, UK to discuss a strategic plan for the organization over the next five years. During the past five months, this group has developed a vision for genomic data sharing in 2022 and identified key milestones necessary to get there. The meeting's attendees agreed on a new set of priority deliverables and working processes for enabling responsible international genomic and health-related data sharing by 2022.

In five years' time, tens of millions of genome sequences will be available from research and healthcare around the globe, providing an incredible opportunity to realize a true international learning health system. To accomplish this, we must ensure that the necessary means to share information across national and institutional boundaries are available to the many disparate organizations and entities producing and analyzing data around the world. Attendees of the Hinxton meeting broadly agreed that GA4GH is uniquely capable to deliver on this need.

In the coming months, GA4GH will enter a transition phase in which we begin to align more closely with real-world research and clinical ‘driver projects’ that are well poised to implement GA4GH standards. We will develop a roadmap detailing our proposed deliverables and a timeline of activities that meets the needs of those projects. The roadmap will be publicly released at the GA4GH 5th Plenary Meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA. 

Register for the GA4GH 5th Plenary Meeting >>

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